Crick Software blog

Ben Tookey

While the concept of thin client networks has been around for decades, they’ve been relatively unused by schools in the past.

Siobhan Butel

Clicker 7 – Bett Awards finalist!

22nd November 2017
by Siobhan Butel

We’re very excited to announce that Clicker 7 is a Bett Awards finalist in the ‘Special Educational Needs’ category.

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Tania Johnston

Setting the scene with Clicker

14th November 2017
by Tania Johnston

We have recently published a series of Clicker resources that are designed to help pupils use adjectives to create oral descriptions of people, places or objects from traditional stories.

Phil Hackett

There are many reasons why Clicker 7 is a fantastic tool for supporting learners with dyslexia.

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Siobhan Butel

Clicker 7 research – Angus Council

17th October 2017
by Siobhan Butel

A study has recently been undertaken by Angus Council across eight of its primary schools to investigate the impact of using Clicker 7 to support writing.

Ben Tookey

Apple releases iOS 11

11th October 2017
by Ben Tookey

Every September, Apple releases a major upgrade to the iOS software that runs on iPhones and iPads across the world.

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Joanne Gibbins

October is Black History Month and we have many resources on LearningGrids to help your pupils write about and celebrate the achievements of black people around the world.

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Phil Hackett

I joined Crick Software in 2005 and up until this Summer, my focus has been on working with schools in the UK. I now work with International Schools and our partners across the globe.

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Tania Johnston

Back to school with Clicker

19th September 2017
by Tania Johnston

It’s the start of a new school year – time to get to know your new class. Younger learners can use our latest Clicker Board Set This Is Me to tell you all about themselves.

Ben Tookey

Preparing for a new school year

5th September 2017
by Ben Tookey

As the new school year approaches, it’s a good time to audit your software licenses and consider whether they need to be moved around.

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Ann Crick

Talk Sets for Science

29th August 2017
by Ann Crick

A useful way to enable children to show their understanding in science is to use Clicker Talk Sets.

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Gemma Dean

Clicker 7 and Modern Languages

13th August 2017
by Gemma Dean

Whether you are using Clicker to introduce students to new topic vocabulary in French or extending their writing skills in Spanish, Clicker has the tools to support them!

Tania Johnston

Whether you are using Clicker to learn about the parts of the body, DocsPlus to write about the skeleton or Clicker Communicator to talk about the five senses, LearningGrids has something for you.

Ciara O'Sullivan

Clicker 7 for older learners

21st March 2017
by Ciara O'Sullivan

When I first began working for Crick Software last summer, I was instantly impressed with how customisable Clicker 7 is. Although used mainly in primary schools, there are so many ways to tweak Clicker 7 to suit older learners.