Clicker Communicator for iPad


How do I open a Vocabulary Set?

You'd like to open another Vocabulary Set in Clicker Communicator for iPad.


To ensure you have the latest Clicker Communicator, please check for updates:

Open from iPad

Vocabulary Sets are stored in a Communicator folder on your iPad. To open one:

  1. If the top toolbar is hidden, tap the black line to show it.
  2. Tap the top-left Explorer (folder) icon and choose My Files.
  3. In the top-left corner of popover, tap < until you see the sidebar.
  4. Under Locations, tap On My iPad, and then tap the Communicator folder.

The Vocabulary Set Safe contains three pre-made Core Sets. If you select one, a copy will be created in the Communicator folder and opened automatically, leaving the original untouched.

Open from Cloud Storage

To open a Vocabulary Set from cloud storage:

  1. Ensure the cloud provider's app is installed.
  2. Link the app to Apple's Files app:
  3. Follow the above steps and select the cloud app under Locations.

About this article
December 10, 2021
Last revised
December 10, 2021
Applies to
  • Clicker Communicator for iPad

How do I open a Vocabulary Set?

You'd like to open another Vocabulary Set in Clicker Communicator for iPad.


To ensure you have the latest Clicker Communicator, please check for updates:

Open from iPad

Vocabulary Sets are stored in a Communicator folder on your iPad. To open one:

  1. If the top toolbar is hidden, tap the black line to show it.
  2. Tap the top-left Explorer (folder) icon and choose My Files.
  3. In the top-left corner of popover, tap < until you see the sidebar.
  4. Under Locations, tap On My iPad, and then tap the Communicator folder.

The Vocabulary Set Safe contains three pre-made Core Sets. If you select one, a copy will be created in the Communicator folder and opened automatically, leaving the original untouched.

Open from Cloud Storage

To open a Vocabulary Set from cloud storage:

  1. Ensure the cloud provider's app is installed.
  2. Link the app to Apple's Files app:
  3. Follow the above steps and select the cloud app under Locations.

About this article
December 10, 2021
Last revised
December 10, 2021
Applies to
  • Clicker Communicator for iPad
Product Name 
Clicker Communicator (SymbolStix)*
Download on the App Store
Clicker Communicator (Widgit Symbols)
Download on the App Store
Clicker Communicator (PCS Symbols)Download on the App Store

*If you buy 'Clicker Communicator (SymbolStix)', the Widgit or Mayer-Johnson PCS symbols are also available as in-app purchases for $49.99 each.

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