Crick Software blog

catherine jell

Clicker 7 at Great Barr Primary School

August 1, 2018

At Great Barr Primary School, students with cerebral palsy have been using Clicker 7 to become more independent writers. Special Education Coordinator, Sarah Haywood, shared with us the impact the program has had on her learners – not only making a difference to their writing ability, but also to their social skills and confidence:

"One child in third grade has really demonstrated to us the difference Clicker 7 can make; we’ve seen a massive shift away from Teaching Assistant (TA) dependence.

This student loves using Clicker; she’s an independent girl and while it can be great to have an adult nearby, it can also prevent social skills from developing and limit opportunities to interact with peers. But now, apart from the TA setting up her laptop in the morning, she’s perfectly capable of being at her table with the rest of the children and working independently.

There’s nothing else we’ve come across that can provide the children with a mechanism to work by themselves so well. We know that the children don’t want to be different, and outside evaluators both commented on the inclusivity Clicker has provided; they looked at a child with difficulties and could see her thriving, doing her work independently and being really proud of what she is able to produce."

Read this lovely success story in full here.

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