Crick Software blog

Tania Johnston

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Clicker

24th July 2024

Over the last few years, we have all seen how important it is to help pupils build a strong foundation for emotional well-being and resilience. A lot of research and studies have been done to look at the benefits of social emotional learning (SEL).  

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There are many similarities between social emotional learning in the United States and personal, social, health, economic (PSHE) education in the United Kingdom. 

A focus on SEL: 

  • Improves academic achievement  
  • Increases social behaviours (such as kindness, sharing, and empathy) 
  • Improves pupil attitudes toward school 
  • Reduces stress among pupils 

Why use Clicker as part of SEL sessions?

Many schools have found ways to incorporate social and emotional learning in their classrooms, but the difficulty can be in making sure that it is accessible and meets the needs of all pupils.  

With Clicker, you can: 

  • Provide flexible support options to meet pupils’ needs 
  • Accommodate different learning styles (multiple means of engagement and expression) 
  • Offer a multisensory approach 
  • Save time with ready-made resources 

LearningGrids includes a large range of free Clicker resources to support social and emotional learning in our Feelings & Actions subcategory. 


To see a selection of these Clicker Sets in action and learn more about how Clicker can support social and emotional learning in your classroom, you can watch the recording of the SEL webinar that Rebecca and I offered earlier this year. 

Want to find out more about Clicker?

If you’ve seen something that’s inspired you to use Clicker more, or for the first time, in your lessons, here are some helpful resources: 

Or if you’d like to speak to a member of our friendly team, you can: 

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